We are excited to share a summary report detailing the 11 employment roadblocks our community will need to address if we are to realize the conditions where Memphis Works for Everyone. This report provides a narrative around each roadblock, supplementing the fact sheets we’ve published previously.
As you decide how to be a part of the solution, consider this your roadmap to knowing where to focus your efforts. MemWorks has determined the root causes of employment roadblocks for Memphians experiencing poverty, and now is the time for us to implement evidence-based solutions – together. If done with persistence and collaboration, we can help create pathways to economic mobility for all Memphians.
Use this report to further empower your efforts
Consider which of these roadblocks could align with your focus areas. How could those roadblocks benefit the most from additional investment? Are there ways to coordinate incremental investment with other philanthropists across the community?
Corporate Leaders
Evaluate how your organization’s employment practices could evolve to account for these employment roadblocks. What adjustments could you make that would benefit both your employees and the community? Is there a quick win that could help create momentum for broader change and inspire other businesses to follow your example?
Career & Technical Education Providers
Identify ways your current programming is impacted by these roadblocks. Which programs and practices help alleviate these roadblocks? Are there adjustments that could increase the probability of students successfully completing a program?
Business Associations
Brainstorm opportunities to bring together community stakeholders to collaboratively tackle these roadblocks. Which roadblocks might impact current and prospective workers in your industry the most? What workforce development organizations might be best at helping overcome these roadblocks for your industry’s workers?
Local Government Leaders
Explore how policies might be contributing to the identified roadblocks. Are there policies that can be adjusted to help mitigate the employment roadblocks? What new policies might be possible to help create paths through these roadblocks?
Workforce Development Nonprofits
Consider how the roadblocks might effect the people your organization serves. Which specific roadblocks impact your participants the most? How could your organization evolve to provide additional support to help participants overcome these roadblocks?
We hope the above questions and prompts jumpstart how you think about using the Employment Roadblocks Summary Report in your efforts to further help Memphians living in poverty access living-wage careers. We encourage you to use this report as a roadmap and return to it frequently. In the coming weeks, we will release reports for individual roadblocks that empower our community with the interventions and approaches that can most effectively overcome the roadblock.