
We look forward to sharing regular updates and emerging insights throughout the initiative. Visit this page to see the most current updates from MemWorks.

Voices of Memphis – Stuck in Survival Mode

This blog shares insights from these conversations about how living in poverty can create a sense of survival mode, where a person is forced to focus nearly all of their efforts to help them and their family subsist and tackle the immediate roadblocks in their path.

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Voices of Memphis – Job Access

Living-wage jobs can be a reliable path out of poverty. An overwhelming theme from our primary research is that even for those with postsecondary degrees and credentials, living-wage jobs are hard for Memphians experiencing poverty to access.

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Navigating Employment Pathways

MemWorks research found that trying to access the services from the over 130 workforce development organizations in Memphis can be insurmountable given gaps that exist in the services provided and the the inability to access available services due to their location.

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Excelling in Adult Academic Remediation

MemWorks research found that 25 percent of people experiencing poverty in Memphis lack a high school diploma or equivalent. The Excel Center offers adults of all ages childcare, transportation assistance, and flexibility to go back and pursue their high school diploma.

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