- Nearly 50 Years Of Rigorous Research With Nonprofits Across The United States
- Deep Knowledge Of Research Techniques And The Evidence Space
- Domain Expertise Across The Education Continuum, Work And Income Security, And Specific Populations Like Returning Citizens
- Three-Decade History Of Evaluating Career & Technical Education Programs Across U.S.
- Three-Decade History Of Evaluating Career & Technical Education Programs Across U.S.
- Deep Understanding Of The Memphis Poverty- Fighting Ecosystem
- Analytical Understanding Of The Challenges Facing Those Experiencing Poverty In Memphis
- Conducted Over 20 Impact Studies With 12 Workforce Development Organizations
- Researched Best Practices And Analyzed Factors That Create The Greatest Poverty-Fighting Benefits For Workforce Development
- Strong Relationships With >40 Nonprofits Plus Numerous Local Workforce Stakeholders
MDRC has nearly 50 years of experience evaluating career & technical education programs and workforce-related programs. A few pertinent case examples include:
- Partnering with Kauffman Foundation and 25 school districts and employers to improve workforce development in Kansas City
- Exploring noncredit CTE program factors that strengthen workforce pipelines at 23 colleges in the Virginia Community College System
- Evaluating Google’s Career Certificates Initiative that aims to empower 20,000+ learners to realize more than $1 billion in aggregate wage gains over the next decade
Slingshot works alongside more than 10 workforce-related organizations in Memphis. Our work has enabled us to identify best practices across these organizations, analyze the efforts that produce the greatest benefits, and understand the most impactful types of collaboration opportunities. This list of organizations includes:
- Advance Memphis
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis (Juice Plus+ Technical Training Center)
- Center for Employment Opportunities
- The Collective Blueprint
- Economic Opportunities
- The Excel Center
- LIFEline to Success
- LITE Memphis
- Moore Tech
- Tech901
- Workforce Mid-South
Who are we Helping
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
lorem ipsumlorem ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
lorem ipsumlorem ipsum